Sugar The Poo Videos
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#ilovespreadingsmiles #spreadingsmiles #sugarthepoo @sugarthepoo
Let's Spread Some Smiles!
To keep up with our latest videos, subscribe to our "Sugar The Poo" YouTube channel and share your comments.
Please support us by going to our YouTube Channel to like and share and subscribe! Thanks! so much!
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#ilovespreadingsmiles #spreadingsmiles #sugarthepoo @sugarthepoo
Let's Spread Some Smiles!
Sweet Christmas Puppy Dreams
Puppy Dog Sings "We Wish You A Cuddly Christmas"Adorable little maltipoo puppy dog "Sugar The Poo" really LOVES to sing!
Hear him sing "We Wish you a Cuddly Christmas....and a Fluffy New Year". And please remember to Like, Subscribe, and Share on Youtube! |
The Sugar The Poo Report #2
First GoPro Puppy Ride
A cute dogs' eye view of riding down the street in a bike basket along with my big brother Sunshine. Mom tried out a GoPro camera for the first time. She clipped it on her bike helmet and away we went! There really is an art to being a good bike basket rider!
And please remember to Like, Subscribe, and Share on Youtube! |
The Sugar The Poo Report #1
Sugar The Poo's First TV CommercialCATO Fashions featured Sugar the Poo in an adorable national TV commercial. He loved every part of the experience and did everything he was asked to do without missing a beat!
And please remember to Like, Subscribe, and Share on Youtube! |
Other Videos Coming soon:
Sugar The Poo on TV with Amy Peohler
Sugar The Poo featured on the TV show "Animal Possible"
and much more.......
To contact Sugar The Poo for business inquiries, productions and events,
please email us at [email protected]
please email us at [email protected]
Copyright 2020 Sugar The Poo
We donate a portion of our profits to support initiatives in the following areas:
Pet Adoption; Joyous Artistry and Creative Expression; Positivity, Optimism and Mental Health.
Pet Adoption; Joyous Artistry and Creative Expression; Positivity, Optimism and Mental Health.